Employment for Disabled

One of the most simple yet influential maxim that can be applied to looking at the welfare of marginalised and vulnerable sectors of the society is from Nelson Mandela. He stated that a nation or certain country must be judged with the advocacy of looking at the needs of its lowest citizens and not that of the affluent, influential and powerful.


From this perspective, it is to be understood that the government must and should place more weight and importance to constantly look after the welfare of people with special needs through consistent and honest legislation. Discussions and answers to answer this dilemma will be offered in this article so as to send a message to elected officers of the nation that they should be man of  honour and keep their word of delivering the best public service possible to their worthy constituents.


The following initiatives stipulated below will help you understand how the government should go about reaching out to our unfortunate brothers and sisters. These are:


Ministerial accountability

Accountability for programs and policies relating to disabilities has been the department in charge of social welfare’s or the ministry of health, and in many nations, this is still the case. Given the recent change in policy and the altered perception of disability, accountability for policies and services relating to employment has gradually changed from these departments under the labour ministry. According to this pattern, nations have recently developed job placement services for disabled people. The ministry has been given responsibility for providing these services that start with labour or manpower.



Regulatory and policy basis for a successful recruitment operation


The influence of international programs and efforts is significant in national legislative and policy frameworks to support employment options for people with disabilities. These worldwide initiatives include:


  • The Global Plan of Action for People with Disabilities;
  • The 1982 United Nations adoption


  • During the 1983–1992 United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons
  • The UN Standard Rules for the Equalization of
  • The 1993 Law Opportunities for People with Disabilities
  • Convention No. 159 of the International Labor Organization relating to Employment and Vocational Rehabilitation for Disabled Persons) of 1983, the Recommendation (No.168) that accompanied it.
  • 1983 and the Vocational Recommendation No. 99
  • Disability Rehabilitation Act of 1955
  • The 1993–2002 Asian and Pacific Decade of Disabled Persons
  • The 1995 Copenhagen Statement on Social Development.


All of these projects seek to encourage the full engagement of people with disabilities. With the Copenhagen Declaration, society as a whole and in all spheres advancing the idea of disability as a type of social variety and emphasising the requirement for an all-inclusive approach that seeks to create democracy for everyone.


Handicap is viewed by the ILO Convention as an occupational condition.A drawback that should be and can be overcome by a number of methods and policy directives, laws, plans, and services. It solicits nations ought to construct national strategies on the following ideas:


  • Chances for everyone
  • Fairness in approach
  • integrating employment and training opportunities
  • Community involvement
  • triangular discussions between workers, public authorities, and employer-side personnel
  • discussions with advocates for and on behalf of disabled people.


ILO Recommendations 168 and 99 describe specific actions that may be implemented at the federal level to support employment possibilities for disabled individuals and demand that these adhere to the employment and pay requirements that apply to all employees. the whole ILO Convention No. 159’s text, as well as Guidelines No. 168 and in Addendum 1, the No. 99 is replicated.


If you know of someone who has a disability but who wants to be self-sufficient, get in touch with Busy Ability. They are disability employment providers who can help you find a job that is within your capabilities.

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